General Studies

The purpose of the general studies program is to provide a balanced education that supports WWU’s core themes: excellence in thought, generosity in service, beauty in expression, and faith in God. The general studies curriculum is broad in scope, exploring ways of knowing and engaging across various disciplines. In addition, the program seeks to prepare students for “responsible citizenship, generous service, a deep respect for the beauty in God’s creation, and the promise of re-creation through Jesus Christ” (WWU mission).

The GS curriculum outlined below represents revisions new to the 2022-23 Bulletin. Students who began attending WWU prior to Fall 2022 will continue to follow the previous GS requirements unless they request to graduate under the new bulletin. Although students will continue to have flexibility in how they integrate these requirements with the requirements for their major(s), this revised GS package is scaffolded to move generally from Foundational Skills, to surveys within different disciplines in Ways of Knowing, to more in-depth explorations of topics in the Ways of Engaging section. For more details, click on the links below or download the [Advising Checklist]

Courses in this section ensure that students have the core competencies required for college, calling, and citizenship.

  • Foundations of Faith
  • Written Communication & Information Literacy
  • Oral Communication
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Health and Physical Education


Courses in this section Impart a broad knowledge of the arts and sciences through the traditional liberal arts disciplines.

  • Humanities 
  • History 
  • Religion and Theology 
  • Natural Science
  • Social Science

Courses in this section allow students to apply Ways of Knowing to in-depth explorations of cultural themes and social issues in order to translate academic achievement into engaged citizenship. (One course must have a Diversity designation)

  • Engaging the Arts
  • Engaging History & Philosophy 
  • Engaging Faith
  • Engaging Science & Data
  • Engaging Society

Alternative General Studies

The curriculum described above applies to students earning most degrees (B.A., B.B.A., B. Ed., B.L.S., B.Mus., B.S., B.S.W.). The links below provide information about the modified GS requirements for students interested in joining the honors program, earning a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.), or earning an Associate of Science degree (A.S.).

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